19 November 2019
8:30 – 9:00 Registration
9:00 Welcome messages
HSH Prince Constantin of Liechtenstein
Danuše Nerudová Mendel University in Brno
Libor Jankovský Mendel University in Brno
Block Innovation in Forestry
The overall demand for forest biomass is forecast to increase in the future. The economic, environmental and social functions of forests need safeguarding while mobilising forest-based biomass. Simultaneously, ecosystem-based management including sustainable forest management needs ensuring. The innovations are necessary to strengthen the economic situation of forest companies and forest owners. New technologies together with improved cooperation along forestry-wood value chain represent both possibilities and challenges. Those respond to the sectoral needs and support necessary steps towards a more competitive sector.
This block focus on exploring the role of innovation and knowledge exchange, on the practical ideas and cases tackling forest-related challenges through innovation.
Keynote Kurt Ramskogler LIECO GmbH advisory board
Keynote Thomas Jung Mendel University in Brno
Block Biosecurity & Biodiversity
Climate change and climate mitigation affect biodiversity in the forests. It is very likely to impact both the vegetation zones and the range of tree species. Stakeholders expect increased periods of droughts and warmer winters to further weaken forests against invasive species. Ensuring the highest standards in term of biosecurity constantly requires a multi-actor and a multi-factor approach at all levels of forest management. Ecosystem-based management approaches also allow the forestry sector to look and engage beyond itself.
This block focuses on future steps and predictions, innovative features to protect genetic diversity and the role of new tree species. The topic also includes the extended use and support of natural regeneration
and new forest techniques focused on biosecurity and biodiversity including economic aspects of climate change and climate mitigation impact.
Keynote Tomáš Vrška Training Forest Enterprise Masaryk Forest Křtiny
Keynote Felix Montecuccoli Association of private forest and agricultural companies in Austria
12:00 Closing remarks
Hans Jörg Damm, Foundation Prince Liechtenstein